I’m Not Good At Titles Sometimes

Welcome to Trippy Monday. Here are 3 things that I reflected on from the past week:

(1) I’ve been growing increasingly dissatisfied with my job at the restaurant I work at for some time now. I told them at the beginning of my employment that I wanted to be a server or bartender, and given that I had no prior restaurant experience, they told me I’d need to start as a host before getting moved to server, and then could eventually move to bartender. Understandable. The timeframe they gave me to become a server was around 2 months, but then they said I had to be a busser before they’d let me be a server. So I started doing that, and all while this was happening, they told me I should be put in server training “soon.” Long story short, they haven’t done that, and they can’t give me a straight answer as to when it will happen, so rather than just waiting for something to come with no idea of when I decided to start searching for new jobs in the service industry. 

I’m happy to say I officially got a new job at a small local brewery right by my house, and I think this role actually aligns much better with what I want to do in the service industry than being a server anyway. I was unhappy with how my managers were handling my situation, so rather than just hoping it would get better, I realized that the way they handled everything was the reason I didn’t want to be there anymore. This is a good example for me to remember that while I need to trust the universe and allow certain things to come to me, I still have to put in the effort and energy into the universe in order to allow those things to come to be – in this case, it was actively searching for new jobs in order to find the right one. I obviously don’t know how I’ll feel about it until I work there for a bit, but I’m excited about the new opportunity that’s just another step along my journey.

(2) I started reaching out to people and brands to sponsor the new project I’m working on where I’ll be interviewing people while we’re both tripping on mushrooms. I haven’t officially chosen a name yet, but the name I like the best so far is Trip and Sip (because we’ll drink mushroom tea to begin our journey), so I’m just going to start referring to the project as that until I officially choose a name. Either way, after many people not answering and quite a few “no’s,” someone finally showed some interest in sponsoring. I’m still working out details so there is a chance it could still fall through, but it feels like a win already by just having some interest. I’m excited to keep working on this and bring it to life.

If you have any interest in sponsoring or helping out in any way or want to give me some feedback on the name, please reach out 🙂

(3) I’ve been fucking busy lately and it’s been stressing me out because I don’t know exactly how much time I should be giving to each of the different projects I’ve been working on. I still haven’t been making enough money to sustain myself without dipping into my savings account, so I’m trying to find the right balance between things I do that actively generate income versus things that don’t currently, but I want to do them simply because I enjoy it or because I think it’ll generate income in the future. 

Well, I figured out the answer to my quandary – it’s that there isn’t a correct answer. The act of trying all of these new and different things is all I need to do, and as long as I do that, I have to trust that everything will fall into place as it should. It’s hard because I want it to happen NOW – I guess I’m still not as patient as I’d like to be. I see value in all of the different things I do, so why do I feel the need to figure it all out right now anyhow? They’re all part of the journey. I feel the need to have everything figured out right now, but I know deep down that I don’t – none of us do. So I’m going to keep on keeping on and enjoy it all as it unfolds before my eyes. I know it’ll be amazing once it does, and then I’ll find myself in the exact same place in the future because that’s just how life works. Ain’t it beautiful?

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